Newborn Post 2: Bottle for Bedtime

Although breastfeeding is the best way to promote growth and development in your newborn, for many moms, it is not easy due to their busy work schedules.

If your child needs a bottle as a comforter at bedtime, only water should be used for the bottle. Milk, breastmilk, formula, juice, all contain sugar and having it for a long period of time make it easier for bacteria to cause cavities. This habit can lead to a serious problem called “Baby Bottle Decay” where your child will suffer from cavities in a lot of their baby teeth.

I have seen young babies with bottle decay who have needed sedation in order to treat all their little blackened teeth or even those who developed infections/abscesses and needed emergency care. This always breaks the heart of the parents but first and foremost is not something we want our children to have to experience. If followed the water-only-in-bottle advice, it will help in preventing such a situation.