Child Post 3: Your Baby's First Tooth to Toddler

As soon as you see your child’s first baby tooth appear (usually 8-12months), they should be seen by a dentist. This visit is not just a checkup for the child, but also to educate the young parents on how to take care of their child’s oral health.

It is quite simple. Take a clean moist washcloth or a piece of gauze and wipe the gums of your baby once daily. As soon as your child gets a tooth, it can be subject to getting a cavity. You can use a finger brush or a soft baby toothbrush to lightly brush it and continue with wiping the gums with a washcloth or gauze, also once daily.

Once your baby is older and now is a toddler, you should continue to brush their teeth but also start flossing in between teeth. They will have most or all of their teeth by the age of three. I recommend the flossers on a plastic handle with the fun colors and alligator shapes made for children. There are other types of floss available as well. If you have questions on how to use it, bring your child in for a checkup and cleaning. The dentist can demonstrate how to use the flosser better.