Revive’s persistent efforts to inspire our patients show in great results. Rarely do we have patients whose oral health does not improve.



Comprehensive Dental, TMJ, Airway Head & Neck Exam


Full Radiographic & Photographic Exam


Full Refreshing Cleaning


Revive patients receive the most thorough and comprehensive evaluations at their very first visit. This is a visit that is meant for education and learning about your body and health. We spend a minimum of 90-120 mins with each patient, answering all questions, explaining thoroughly findings both good and bad for our patients. We reinforce the good, and suggest possible solutions for any issues that are discovered. Our focus is to find the core cause of any issues, and help our patients understand if there are ways to address the cause


First Visit with Revive:



Revive patients receive information on treating the symptoms of disease such as gum disease and tooth decay, and are educated on the core cause of dental diseases.



Revive patients learn how dental diseases are connected to the rest of the body’s well-being, and receive complimentary lifestyle coaching, beyond the typical dental care.



Revive patient leave their appointment knowing that there is hope for health.